• 3:17 PM, Wednesday, August 27, 2008
one fine day on my way home, i saw this cute little monkey on a tree. there's 2 policemen and a grp of AVA officers.

if u can see it.

and yea, im lucky enough to hop on this bus with free rides.
its great eastern's 100th bday! haa.
that my guai le bebe in her beautiful gown. aint she sweet? pretty pretty.

from the top and clockwise: wind wind; bebe; cherry (=

wind wind's new haircut! mohawk. heh hehs.

the 5 dogs im my hse that day - cherry; bebe; wind wind; paris; sasa.

and thats PARIS. she's a westie, but my cousin had her fur all trimmed off =.=
for a gd cause though.
cox she's pregnant.
and this is SASA. sister of CASH & PRECIOUS.

the 5 dogs im my cousin's hse that night - bebe; paris; sasa; cash; precious.
look how PARIS is always being isolated.
look at that alcohol collection! omg. im drooling =x

• 10:23 PM, Wednesday, August 20, 2008
my lovelies.
i love both pics. hahaa. both are my dearies la. anyway, im still sick ah. cant take it anymore so went to the doc in the morning. didnt attend the mp meeting as a result.

anyway i wanna tell ppl abt this boy that we met on our anniversary. we met this boy on the bus otw to town. i call him a boy but my dear says he could be even older then us, probably in his 20s. he was forcefully hitting the seat between us to catch our attention until we finally turned. he seemed to be mouthing sth and making some ah-ah-eh-eh sounds. he then took out a piece of paper and showed my dear. it says sth like this:

(his name) is a hyperactive boy and he has a communication problem. pls do not give him any money because he has money. for your own safety, pls do not attempt to chase after him. (address)

another thing abt him is when his money dropped out from his wallet but he didnt know. out of concern, i took it and handed over to him. he anxiously opened his wallet and then took the money from me to keep it. the thing is, he had to try several times to place the 2 notes into the cash slot. with each try, he got more anxious and agitated. i could feel the helplessness and pekchekness within him. his actions are so fast and slow. he's fast cox he's anxious but it seems like its not helping. i just its due to his hyperactivity that he cant really sit still on the bus. poor boy. i can still rmb his looks vividly in my mind now.

i was so stunned yet full of sympathy towards him. but his stop is much further then ours. i so wanted to bring him to his destination before carrying on with our date. but sadly, its so impossible. so, we wanted to bring him to the lower deck so that the bus driver can take care of him and most imptly, get him to alight at where he is supposed to. but to my dismay, he is reluctant to follow us to the lower deck when we kept trying to ask him to go down. sadly, we could only alight without him and leave him in the lurch.

i looked up at the bus after i alighted and there he is, peering over the transparent glass/plastic pane of the bus from the upper deck. awwww.. i feel so bad =(

friends, pls help the needy ppl around us okay. be a kind soul.

• 5:28 PM, Friday, August 15, 2008
alright.. i know its been v long since i blogged. okay and i know my posts are all separated by at least a wk =x well but at least i've been blogging more regularly than my dear right. lol. okay firstly, i'll talk abt the celebration of huiying's bday! we ate at ms seoul garden. aiya, all details can be found on xiuwen's blog la. lol. i'll just upload some pics i have on my hp =)

met linda at seoul garden ^^ long since!

thats the bday girl! =)
thats my ex laopo.
thats my current laopo =p
bday girl and sockie teo! with the kum gong dear sitting behind and tou kan us. XD
pic of the whole big grp! =D
and yea, i saw ian when when we were heading home! hahaa. super long since. lol.
another thing is, im sick again le =( it started with sore throat when i was working; then the headache came; followed by the fever; the muscle aches.
my sis say i will die. will i die? i dont want to die. im still so young..
so i took some pills and cold tea introduced by the man from the madical hall. and i ended up waking up abt 3-5times all in the middle of the night from slping at 11pm til 11am. so tired la. and aching all over. but the gd thing is, im feeling much better now le. fever somehow subsided, and my throat feels much better than ytd.

• 2:30 PM, Wednesday, August 6, 2008
im so sian! finally got to rest today.. just came home from my mp meeting in sch. no wk, no dates today. haa. and finally i get to do sth productive at home like a maid. sth like staying home and washing clothes. as for the in-between free time, i guess i'll wahjong and TRY to do my mp report. haa. im damn hungryyy now.. .. ..



• 12:13 PM, Friday, August 1, 2008
this post is dedicated to my dear girl.
u know who u are.

we have not been contacting since that day.
i used to feel that its okay despite not being in contact all the time.
but this time, im not feeling okay.

have u ever wondered wad caused all this silence and awkwardness?
IF u have ever wondered,
u'll realise its because we CARE for u.
its because we dont want u to get hurt.

rmb that night when i told u "dont come crying to us."
and u replied saying "yea, i wont. i wont go to u even if i cry."

thanks uh.
thats so much for being friends for so many yrs?
thats so worth it just because of ONE guy?
wad is the big fuss abt him that changed us?

we specially went to visit at that time just because we care.
and u think we have nth better to do?

i've expressed wadever i want to,
its up to u to think wadever u want to.

anyway, u've disappointed me.

one last line for u: 好自为之

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